A year ago at this time I was knee deep in the local election, interning at high school, and completing my master’s degree. There was also this little project that was dropped in my lap that was too cool to pass up.And now, at last, I will get to hold a copy of Star Trek: The Complete Unauthorized History – and so will you.I’m told copies are at Voyageur Press and it looks fabulous. I’ll take my first gander at it in person on Thursday when I attend NY Comic-Con. I can’t wait! Really, its weird knowing others have seen it already and are saying lovely things about it, but I still wait.Anyway, I’ll be taking a break from my next project and my student teaching, to be at the show all four days. I will be at the Voyageur Books booth, #929, at the following times:
Thursday 6-7 p.m.Friday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.; 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.Saturday 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. – 5 p.m.Sunday 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Since the con did not see fit to use me for programming, the remainder of the time will be spent wandering the aisles, catching up with old friends, or hanging out at Peter David’s table BB-1, which is also being used as Crazy 8 Press central.And once the show ends, the waiting for reviews and customer feedback will commence.
#Tags: Conventions
Looking forward to seeing you, Bob – we’re right next to Crazy 8 Press central! Do y’all take checks? 🙂
Purchased your book yesterday afternoon and started looking through it on the way home. I turned first to the section about the reboot/2009 film. My first thought was what a beautiful book – will go on the coffee table (have to go out and buy a coffee table). However, just by briefly going through I found two errors. One was a typo on page 236 – it should be that he “agreed TO terms”. The other on 234 – Star Trek film was never nominated for Best Picture (at least not Academy Awards). It may have been submitted for nomination, but finding that out was more than I could do on the train.
Hi Marsha, you win. The typo is unforgivable. I also misstated the movie’s nominations. It should have been up for four awards and won one, Best Makeup. While it was discussed as a Best Picture candidate, it did not get that nod. Thanks for keeping me honest.