For a few years now, Deb has been bugging me to join the Science Fiction Writers of America. And I’ve always avoided it.There’s a part of me that feels that writing predominantly media tie-in fiction (which, to be honest, that’s what Star Trek is) doesn’t qualify me. Then there’s the inertia that’s all-too-common to people.And then there’s guilt.Every year SFWA kindly invites me to their annual authors-and-editors holiday reception and every year I attend, eating their food and drinking their soda and I keep thinking about how I really should join; looks like a fun club.Well, at World Con I grabbed the literature, and finally took the plunge. Just got an e-mail from executive editor Jane Jewell that I have been accepted into said fun club.My secret password and decoder ring should be along shortly and then I can check out the members-only areas and watch people debate points of procedure at decibels levels that can hurt dogs’ ears.In some ways this feels like a step up for me. Maybe I’m making more out of the group than I should. On the other hand, since I intend to continue to work in this field, and write more original works (both science fiction and fantasy if things work out), then it’s high time to be a useful member of this society.Anyway, thought I’d share.
There’s a part of me that feels that writing predominantly media tie-in fiction (which, to be honest, that’s what Star Trek is) doesn’t qualify me.Well, that’s a load of hooey. What does writing tie-ins have to do with anything, unless you’re a snobby elitist ass?—KRAD
There’s a part of me that feels that writing predominantly media tie-in fiction (which, to be honest, that’s what Star Trek is) doesn’t qualify me.What a load of hooey. That you’ve written tie-ins only matters to snobby elitist asses. You’ve qualified for SFWA ever since The Romulan Stratagem was published.—KRAD