A Better Week

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Things are definitely calming down.We got this week’s issue of Weekly World News closed ahead of schedule, which is a vast improvement from last week. Everyone was calmer, more confident in their work and methods. AMI Production is being terrific, slowly showing me each new element I need to master as part of the closing process. It’s all feeling good.I spent three hours or so this morning cleaning through my desk and office, paying bills, answering correspondence and all the other activities that have been given short shrift given the last month’s schedule.I then managed to research and find a new venue for my proposed Avenger story and got that off to Moonstone. Now, I can return my attention to the big project which remains nameless, but has been patiently waiting for me. I lost more of March to life than I expected putting me behind but over the last few days things have been falling into place so the decks are clearer.This is not to say I have time to fritter away. My Comics to Be Read pile grows, TV shows and movies await my attention; and the magazines are starting to fill the in basket.My Special Committee met this week and passed revised ordinances which we get to defend all over again at Monday’s Standing Committees plus I have my Cable Advisory Council meeting later in the week. We also have Robbie home for Easter, which happens to be his birthday. We’ll be celebrating with all manner of food of his choice plus presents and some relaxed time. My son turns 19, which is starting to feel old. Our dinner conversation last night was interesting as it was more about subjects learned in school than his former list of topics that covered everything but academics.All in all, my mind and spirit feel to be in a better place.

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