This and That

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It’s been a quiet week so far. The best news is that I am two-thirds of the way through the desert book. Of all the non-fiction projects I’ve taken one, this may be the most boring subject. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Earth’s deserts or their inhabitants, but they just don’t engage me the same way, say the birth of Physics or life of Ponce de Leon have appealed to me. This is one of those bill-paying assignments freelancers take on and do as professional a job as possible.No word yet from my editor or Universal on the Hellboy II manuscript so I can focus on other matters for the moment.Meantime, my various new pitches remain out there, unread and unacted upon.The Microsoft project is gaining momentum as we hurtle towards going live at month’s end. We’ve lined up some fun talent for the first five weeks and the scouting for the weeks to follow is well underway. One nice by-product to this is that I am getting back in touch with people I haven’t had occasion to speak with in ages. I’m also gaining an insight into how other businesses work which is an education unto itself.Looking ahead to the forthcoming baseball season, I’ve made my first fantasy baseball trade, trying to shake things up on my roster so maybe I have a fighting chance this coming season. I miss baseball.In Fairfield, we’re doing the state-mandated paperwork to reapply for our places on the Democratic Town Committee and based on the voter registration from November, District 8 gained a seat which is nice so we’re up to 19 representatives. Come March, when our new term begins, we’ll pick officers and I’ll not be running for district leader again, feeling I have enough to do as RTM Moderator.Closer to home, Kate’s in her final few days here and it’s zipped by far too quickly. Given Robbie’s work schedule, last night was already our final night together as a foursome until March.

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