This and That

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This went live a few days ago and I forgot to promote it. Rick Marshall over at ComicMix has beefed up the editorial content including lots of interviews. He asked me to participate and my first, with Joe Lansdale, is available for your reading pleasure here.So, I have three projects now delivered – Deserts, Hellboy II and Bataan Death March – and haven’t heard from my editors. I await new projects getting approved so I am having a light week, which is fine. Of course, you know what’s going to happen: all three will require revisions with overlapping deadlines and they will interfere with one or both April conventions. It’s the writer’s life.Speaking of conventions, I await a schedule but I will be both panelist and moderator as part of the programming at the New York Comic con. The rest of the time will be spent networking, visiting with old pals and enjoying the experience. First up, though, is I-Con which is a mere week away.Life also coasts along in town politics. We had an RTM this week and it was done in about 40 minutes. Given that we skipped one in February and had a short one now, people think I’m doing a swell job running the RTM. The reality is, there’s a lot percolating, but little has made it through the system for our approval or comment. Next month, though, is budget time so no doubt we’ll be having some late sessions.

One thought on “This and That

  1. I’ll be at New York, not set up but wandering, so it would be great to see you. The Studio Space book goes to the printers in two weeks so after four years of battle, it’ll be

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