Work Update

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It’s been about two months since I did any sort of proper update so let me bring you the latest about my professional career.As you know, I have been writing book jacket copy for Marvel, and was just asked to do my fourth in addition to contributing to their facsimile of the 1939 Daily Bugle as part of their 70th anniversary celebration. Not sure what or how much I’ll be writing but it’ll be fun.The biggest amount of my time has been spent working on The Essential Superman Encyclopedia.  I was asked to complete the manuscript, from J through Z by April 30, which is looming large. Today, I’m working on P so two of the three largest letters are behind me. My editor, Chris Cerasi, has been very supportive and recognizes that I’m like to run a tad behind given the zero to sixty start and wealth of material to sift through and organize.I’m spending about ten hours a week doing consulting for a publisher and that’s been going well. It also means I get to visit NYC about once a week which breaks things up.What will follow Superman on my schedule? Good question. I have a proposal being reviewed by one publisher, and have been speaking with a different company about a long-term project that would make me rather happy to undertake. There are other novels out there and DC’s Special Projects department keeps calling with small things and no doubt will continue to avail themselves of my services.And, I’ve been invited to contribute to the first Green Hornet anthology, now in the works from Moonstone. That’ll be first after Superman and I’m looking forward to it.I’m keeping my hand in at ComicMix, doing a ton of book and video reviews which is fine for now.With others, there a bunch of collaborative works being developed on spec with the hopes of selling the concepts. There’s one with my pal Aaron Rosenberg that a few editors are evaluating and then one with two friends that could be really interesting if we get the business side done because the creative side is pretty nifty. There’s a slightly more ambitious group of us at work on a few concepts and that’s the one to most likely gain traction and lead to paying work.haunting2All in all, I am far more optimistic about how this year will play out compared to how things were in February and such is the nature of the freelance life.Meantime, the essays I wrote last year for Haunting Museums hits bookstores on Tuesday – here’s the cover for the curious.

One thought on “Work Update

  1. “Haunting Museums”? Sounds like a bit like a “how to.” Is this for use before or after someone’s (un)timely demise?

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