I find myself in an unusual place, professionally. Any minute now, the phone will ring, and the green light will be given on the DC project I’ve been tinkering with since the late spring. Until then, I am in limbo.This morning, I delivered to Chris Cerasi the final files with updated information and corrections for my portion of the Essential Superman Encyclopedia. J-Z is now in the hands of DelRey’s copy editor and I will get one more chance to clarify entries or update them before they go to typesetting. Meantime, just about all of the graphics have now been selected and the book designers are getting ready to start. Should things work out as planned, this time next year the book should be a reality, on bookshelves from coast to coast. The nice thing about the repeated opportunities to adjust the text is that we continue to update the pertinent entries on current characters so the book will be as current as possible.I await word on my revised two chapters of Wonder Woman and the minute I get their feedback, I can modify the remainder of the manuscript and then deliver.The Howard Chaykin Retrospective is current being reviewed by Mr. Chaykin and with luck he will find it acceptable. Now it’s time to collect all the graphics and begin the actual design process.I’m also nearing the completing of the project management work I’ve been doing as a part of Avalanche Comics Entertainment. We’re talking with clients about other projects but no contracts signed yet so we’ll see.The only other paying project, a media tie-in comic book, remains in licensing approval limbo so I can’t do anything until the editor and I speak.As a result, I suddenly find myself with unexpected spare time on my hands. This has allowed me to return my focus to a collaborative spec project and did a draft today of my portion and now it’s in the hands of others. It’s one of several group spec projects on my desk and the one closest to becoming a reality so I’m kind of hopeful. With this done, it’s back to a graphic novel pitch and the young adult fantasy that needs a serious polish now that two people tell me it needs, well, a serious polish.Of course, this could all change with an e-mail or phone call as it has over the last two years. On the other hand, those calls have slowed to a trickle which I ascribe more to the state of publishing than anything personal.Now you know why I haven’t had much to say of late. It’s been slow.
Hi Mr. Greenberger — sorry to leave a slightly off-topic comment, but I’m hoping you can help me get in touch with Tim Barnes; I’d like to approach him about getting the rights to reprint an interview he did with Howard Chaykin. (And I’d be greatly interested to know more about the Chaykin Retrospective you’re doing!) If you could shoot me an e-mail at brannon [dot] costello [at] gmail [dot] com, I would appreciate it — thanks!