Last time I was looking backwards and was pleased with the output. Of course, the best part of the effort is seeing the rewards and suddenly, the first half of 2010 looks to be very satisfying indeed.Just this week, my pal Bob Jeschonek alerted me to the news that Moonstone has scheduled two of their prose anthologies, both of which will have stories from me so my release list (updated at the bibliography link above) has suddenly filled in nicely.This month is Batman: Robin’s First Flight, my second young readers’ book from Stone Arch.Come April, Universe will release Wonder Woman: Amazon. Hero. Icon.A month later, my long gestating DC project is slated to debut along with Moonstone’s Captain Midnight Chronicles (the story was written in June 2008, these things take time).In June, my media tie-in comic is schedule for release followed by Moonstone’s Green Hornet Chronicles, which will include my story “Go Go Gone”.August will see the release of The Essential Superman Encyclopedia.Who knows what else may come up and get scheduled or produced fast enough to see print this year? And it’ll be nice having lots of new things to sign at conventions which reminds me, my 2010 appearance list is updated so I hope to see many of you at shows around the country.
Hoping to catch you at Farpoint this year. I have a rather weighty item for you to sign :-)Here’s to a happy 2010 for all of us.
Congrats Bob, great to see you so busy!
The word is officially out on the “nameless” project:
Congratulations on the no-longer-nameless project, Bob! (Please bear Robin in mind regarding any needed art chores. He hasn’t worked in a year and we could really use the $$.)