My First GBRPA Meeting

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I mentioned a while back that I was continuing my public service by joining the Greater Bridgeport Regional Planning Agency as a Fairfield representative. And what is the GBRPA you wonder?According to the website:“The Greater Bridgeport Planning Region comprises six municipalities that are home to approximately 300,000 residents.The three most urbanized communities (Bridgeport, Fairfield and Stratford) lie along the shores of Long Island Sound, whereas the inland communities to the north (Easton, Monroe and Trumbull) are more rural and residential. Covering 146 square miles, the Region is the most densely populated of Connecticut’s 15 planning areas.The core of the planning region – the City of Bridgeport – is not only the largest city in the state, but also serves as the regional hub for services ranging from medical care to transportation, education, and banking. Bridgeport is also the judicial seat of Fairfield County, containing the Federal, State, and County Courthouses.”Good and noble work.On Tuesday night I attended my first meeting as one of the three Fairfield reps. Fortunately, nothing affecting my town was on the agenda so I could sit back and see what happens.Essentially, we discuss any work being done that might affect surrounding towns and make recommendations on Planning and Zoning legislation for consideration by the specific town. There’s a full staff that does year-round work on things like traffic studies and an initiative to create more bike paths to encourage exercise and less reliance on cars.Interestingly, we hit a procedural glitch that sent us scurrying for our copy of Robert’s Rules of Order. Someone wanted to rescind a motion after the vote, and while I was familiar with reconsideration, this was new even for me. Problem solved, we moved on.Most of the other members have P&Z experience making me feel like not only the newcomer but the outsider so I’ll be brushing up before the next meeting.

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