After losing the 2009 RTM election, I wanted to keep my hand in and continue to perform public service for Fairfield. I remain committed to the notion that everyone should do some sort of volunteer work; either for the town, the church, the school, whatever. First Selectman Ken Flatto suggested my experience would make me a good fit for the Greater Bridgeport Regional Planning Agency despite my not being a zoning person.The Board of Selectmen approved me on November 18 and then in December, I appeared before the RTM to be approved by the, which was an odd experience so soon after leaving that body. I then became one of three reps from Fairfield and dove into it with gusto.I learned a lot about zoning and how one town’s decisions can easily impact its neighbors. I wound up working on one sub-committee which helped get outdated personnel policies revised. When we had elections for officers at the end of last year, my grad school obligations negated my serving but agreed to be Fairfield’s rep to the executive committee.One the things bubbling on the agenda at the time was the need for the GBRPA to reform itself following state dictates, by first evolving into a Regional Council and then consolidate with one of the other area planning groups because the state wanted fewer bodies.Fairfield was one of the first to sign on for this and this month, at long last, the Greater Bridgeport Regional Council turned the GBRPA into a Regional Planning Commission, limiting its representation to one person from each town, with that person being the local Zoning board’s representative.So, last night, I attended what became the last meeting of the GBRPA and next month the GBRC will meet and I will be at home. For the first time since 1997 I have no official role within the town of Fairfield. Of course, I still serve as Vice-Chair of the Democratic Town Committee and can devote the free time to the forthcoming campaign season, but still, I will miss doing my part and hope to resume that role in some way, shape or form, after the November election.