10 Years in Maryland

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Kate and Mike in a portion of the Great Room. Between them is Albert, who we sadly lost recently.

In early March 2013, Deb and I closed on our home in Connecticut and temporarily stayed with Kate until we could close and occupy our new home in Maryland. (Yes, we were technically homeless without a fixed address and that was certainly weird.) We closed on April 2 and actually moved in on April 12 when the furniture arrived.

Thanks to my inability to do math, I was gently surprised in March to find out we made out final payment on the mortgage. For the first time in our lives, we’ve paid off a mortgage and own the townhouse outright.

This has rapidly become my second favoirite place in the house. Very comfrotabel for reading or watching.

It also means the conclusion of our first decade as Free Staters. I keep saying it doesn’t feel like home yet, but after ten years, it should. We have certainly made the townhouse our own, with the revamped master bath, the addition of the library, and outdoor adjustments. It’s certainly our home and we love our community. We’ve made some good friends and always have somewhere to go and new places to try for food. It’s vibrant and growing, all good.

We certainly have come to embrace my short commute to work and how easy it is to access either Baltimore or Washington as well as the swift and pain-free trip to BWI. Just the other weekend, we were able to run into D.C. for peak cherry blossom viewing, wander around the Mall, and be home for dinner without stress.

But, I still miss being a part of the local political scene, or the places we used to walk to, and dine at. It’s largely nostalgic, I acknowledge.

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3 thoughts on “10 Years in Maryland

    1. It’s why I serve on the HOA board. Twice I reached out to the county (there is no town version) Democratic Party and neither time did they reply. Too much of an old boy’s club I guess.

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