Excellent News

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There’s such a thing known as anticipation. Carly Simon turned it into a top-selling song and Heinz co-opted it for an ad campaign extolling the virtues of their ketchup.There’s such a thing known as rolling admissions, meaning colleges begin accepting students in the fall and all the way through the traditional early spring season.In theory, rolling admissions cuts down on the long period of anticipation after applications are filed and acceptance letters are sent out.Val, our wonderful mail carrier, delivered the mail about 11:15 this morning and buried in the stack was a letter for Robbie from Central Connecticut College. He was due home from school around 12:40. For well over an hour, I have sat here waiting for Robbie to come home so we can find out what the future holds.And Carly sang in the background of my mind.He came in the door and I handed over the letter, with Deb on the phone. He rips it open and then screams, “I’m in!” As he hops in circles of joy, I glance at the rest of it and they’re thrilled to have him, I’m thrilled he found out.We’re very proud of our son and are thrilled to note he has been accepted at his first choice school, to begin studying for his teaching degree in high school science. It makes a joyous holiday season just wee bit brighter.

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