14 Years

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I can feel it coming, memoires triggered far more easily, and it feels like a countdown. I continue to dwell on those final days, as Robbie grew more tired and then that final day.

Fourteen years is a chunk of time, more than half his time with us. This year it feels weightier and despite the summer sun, my mood turns gloomy and somber.

His absence continues to be felt daily in ways large and small. I continue to delight in seeing what his friends are up to and how his various namesakes are developing.

I miss my boy. I miss seeing the man he was becoming. I miss the possibilities.


6 thoughts on “14 Years

  1. My heart cries for you and Deb. If it helps even the smallest amount, know that so many people miss him as well.

  2. I didn’t know Robbie but I do know you, Deb and Kate so rest assured that Robbie knew how much he was loved and supported. The memories you have will keep him in your hearts forever. May God hold you in His loving heart on your toughest days and always know your friends will always be there to support you.

  3. Was thinking about you and Robbie and saying goodbye. I feel sheepishly guilty sometimes when I spend time with Christopher and Shannon and my granddaughters. I know you would trade just about anything to have the same opportunity with your adult son.

    Hugs 🙂

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